Story: Coming Together for Good

The work of Waipuna Hospice wouldn’t be possible without the support of our incredible volunteers and local organisations. We have been very lucky to recently have awesome organisations and community groups support us with volunteer days and fundraisers.

BECA Volunteer Day

A group from BECA spruced up some wooden furniture from our inpatient unit and helped in our garden.

“It was a pleasure giving back to our Tauranga community in any small way we could. I would recommend this to any other company looking to build on their social responsibilities – we really felt that we were giving back to the community and it was a great team building exercise.”- Chris Olivier, BECA.

Gardening Day

A team of volunteers from LIFE Church Tauranga helped tidy up the flax bushes along the back of our property.

“At different times in the year, we aim to mobilise our church for “Help & Hope Week”, a week where we go out into our communities to help those in need, or to honour those doing great things. Waipuna Hospice is a phenomenal organisation in our community that brings so much hope to others, so it was special that we could give back to them. We had a great sunny day and really enjoyed being able to help in a small yet practical way!” – Logan Stewart, LIFE Church.

Brass Band Fundraiser

We’d like to say a huge thank you to the team at Papamoa Beach Village for raising $1250 for Waipuna Hospice with their recent “Music on the Green” Brass Band event. The sun was shining, the music was top-notch, and the community spirit was high.

“What a glorious day we had for The Papamoa Beach Village ‘Music on the Green’ event. A fabulous afternoon was had by all who came to support our fundraiser for Waipuna Hospice, to sit in the sun and enjoy the music of the Tauranga City Brass Band. After the concert, everyone retired to the Pavilion for a Saturday ‘Happy Hour’. With vouchers from local businesses raffled and a gold coin donation for attending the concert, we raised $1250 for this wonderful organisation. Our residents are so grateful for your support, kindness and love, that it seemed an easy choice to make to raise money so you can continue the wonderful work you do.” – Gillian from the Village.

Sunflowers For a Cause

We’d also like to thank the team at BNI Tauranga Harbour for their donation of $840, which they raised during a sunflower-themed fundraiser. When asked about why she organised the fundraiser, Caroline Lowe from BNI Tauranga Harbour said:

“As a person who has lost someone very close to me in a sudden event, and also losing loved friends that have been supported by hospice, I know that there is a lack of understanding about what hospice is, which brings on fear and dread. It’s important to bring awareness to who hospice really are, and what better way to showcase that there is HOPE in being supported by hospice through some beautiful sunflowers.”

Interested in helping Waipuna Hospice?

If you are interested in helping Waipuna Hospice in a practical way and have some spare time, contact our volunteer team on 07 552 4380 ext. 219.

Feeling inspired to fundraise?

We would love to hear from you! By fundraising for Waipuna Hospice, you can help ensure those facing life-limiting illnesses and bereavement are cared for and supported. How you do that is up to you – from skydives to quiz nights and raffles, the possibilities are endless. Simply email for more information.

This story was originally published in Waipuna Connections Issue 86.
