Waipuna Hospice provides compassionate care for those with life-limiting illnesses and supports their families. Serving from Waihi Beach to Paengaroa, we focus on home care but also offer an Inpatient Unit and Outpatient Services. Our goal is to manage symptoms and pain, providing comfort and support to patients and their loved ones.
Our Philosophy.
Hospice affirms life.
Hospice exists to provide support and care for people in the last phases of an incurable disease so that they may live as fully and as comfortably as possible.
Hospice recognises dying as a normal process and neither hastens nor postpones death.
Hospice exists in the hope that through appropriate care and promotion of a caring community sensitive to their needs, patients and families may be free to attain a degree of mental and sprirtual preparation for death that is satisfactory to them.
Hospice recognises grief as a normal response to loss. Support to families and caregivers continues into the bereavement period.
We make
time count.
Our Values:
We are inclusive – Kotahitanga
Everyone matters
We are courageous – Kia Mānawanui
Be brave
We make it simple – Kia Ngāwari
Make it easier
We are guardians – Kaitiakitanga
Caring about today and tomorrow
Our Vision:
A world where there is compassionate end-of-life care for all.
Our Purpose:
To champion equitable end-of-life care for our communities
Our View on Assisted Dying & End of Life.
Waipuna Hospice maintains its commitment to providing specialist palliative care to all patients and respects their decisions regarding the End of Life Choice Act 2019. We emphasise open communication about end-of-life preferences and will continue supporting patients and their families regardless of their choices.
For more information on the Act, visit https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/regulation-health-and-disability-system/end-life-choice-act
Questions can be directed to Waipuna Hospice at 07 552 4380 or
via email at info@waipunahospice.org.nz.
Waipuna Hospice supports the international palliative care definition that hospice care neither hastens nor postpones death. We adhere to a policy of conscientious objection regarding the End of Life Choice (EOLC) Act 2019, meaning we do not perform assisted dying procedures.
Our staff will not assess eligibility, prescribe, participate in, or be present during the administration of medication for assisted dying. We focus on providing palliative care to manage symptoms comfortably until natural death.
Assisted dying is not offered within our inpatient unit. Patients wishing to pursue assisted dying will need to transfer to a different facility. If opting for assisted dying at home, Waipuna Hospice will provide palliative care up until the intervention but will not be present during the procedure.
Choosing assisted dying does not affect the palliative care services we provide. We respect all patients decisions and continue to offer support and care for both the patients and their families, including bereavement support after a patient s death.
Our Board
Board of Trustees.
The Board members of Waipuna Hospice Incorporated are responsible for the stewardship and future wellbeing of the organisation. Our current Board is made up of the following members, representatives of the local business community with a broad range of complementary skills and experience.
- Deborah Pattullo (Chairperson)
- Simon Darmody (Treasurer)
- Deborah Cameron (Secretary)
- Kipouaka Pukekura (Iwi Representative)
- Lavina Good
- Murray Foreman
- Susan Lund
- David Bryant (Chief Executive Officer)
Foundation Fund Management.
The investment objective of the Waipuna Hospice Foundation is to generate sufficient income to assist funding for the running of the Hospice, meet the cost of maintenance on the Hospice’s buildings, to help finance any building development and to provide a contingency reserve.
Our Investment Policy.
The Investment sub-committee is made up of Tom Roper, John Meldrum and Jon Murie.
The Investment sub-committee works closely with investment advisers Craigs Investment Partners (who have been advising the Foundation from the outset). Together they formulate the investment policy and management of the portfolio which has been conservatively invested and delivers consistent returns for considerably less risk.
The current objective for the Foundation fund is that the portfolio has a target asset allocation of 55% income assets and 45% growth assets. The current portfolio is well diversified, holding over 120 securities.
Since 2004 the investment portfolio has returned over 8.0% per annum. This has enabled the Foundation to help fund the $3.6m construction of the Day Services Wing.
Should you wish to speak with a member of the Foundation’s Investment sub-committee, please send an email to info@waipunafortomorrow.org.nz or leave a message in the contact form below. You can also call 0800 4 WAIPUNA (0800 492 47862) to organise a time to discuss what we do together.
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2022-23 Gratitude Report
Annual Reports.
Our future.
As the Western Bay of Plenty grows and our population ages, Waipuna Hospice anticipates a 50% increase in patient numbers over the next 20 years, the fastest in New Zealand. To meet this demand, we’ll develop new services and adopt international best practices, innovation, and technology. Our patients will be older and have more complex conditions, but our dedicated team is committed to providing the best palliative care. We understand that Waipuna Hospice belongs to the community, and with your continued support, we’ll evolve to meet your needs. Waipuna Hospice truly thrives thanks to the fantastic support from our local Western Bay of Plenty community.
Our work wouldn’t be possible without our supporters and sponsors. The following organisations support our mission to provide the best possible specialist hospice palliative care, enhancing the quality of life for those facing end-of-life and bereavement.
With thanks to our supporters